The environment sustains life and its sustainable management should be a concernof all nations. Uganda’s Environment and Natural Resources (ENRs) play a vital role in the sustainable development of the country. They not only provides water for both domestic use and for industrial production, but also energy for the majority of the population, raw materials for the industries and employment opportunities. The environment and natural resources also support food security and are sources of livelihood for many communities. However, the sector is faced with challenges that inhibit it from effectively contributing to this sustainable development and enhance ccommunity resilience to climate change shocks.

According to the 2019 Water and Environment Sector Performance Report; Uganda has lost a large stock of its natural resources. For instance, the forest cover reduced from 24% in 1990 to 12.4% in 2015, implying an average annual loss of natural forest f 2% per annum. In 1994, wetland coverage on the surface area of Uganda was 15.6%; however, over time this had been gradually reducing and is currently at 8.9%.

Women play a critical role in the management of natural resources. Largely constrained by their socially constructed roles and responsibilities in society namely; their role as primary providers of food, water, and fuel for their families, many women remain highly vulnerable to the vagaries of climate change in many parts of Uganda. The majority of the women depend on agriculture yet they don’t participate in decision-making over natural resources like land. Women and girls have to walk far-off to find food, water and firewood during droughts. They must also care for family members who are exposed to the health risks linked to climate change. This leaves them with less time for education, income-generating activities and participation in community decision- making processes, further contributing to unequal gender relations. WEM calls on government to increase effective participation of women in decision making over management of environment and natural resources by promoting their access, ownership and utilization of such resource
